Being a big fan of Mark Bolan I have to say I was a little disappointed in the T-Rex t-shirt I ordered off of Ebay.
It was a little short in the arms and a few hundred sizes too big.

Submitted by: giorgiss

y do peepl who watch x fctr typ lke dis?

Submitted by: giorgiss

I imagine that if you were to cut open an archaeopteryx, it's stomach would be full of worms.
After all, it was the earliest bird.

Submitted by: giorgiss

How Did The Dinosaurs Die?
Well, after they ate everything on Earth, they dug deep into the ground to search for food.
Sadly, they became trapped in their own holes, which is why their skeletons are found underground today.

Submitted by: giorgiss

What do you call a lesbian Dinosaur?

Submitted by: giorgiss

Troll Hunter TV ad:
"The best monster movie since Jurrasic Park"
"You've never seen anything like this before"
Uh... Jurrasic Park?

Submitted by: giorgiss

I don't know why Christians are getting worried about this rapture.
They don't even believe in Dinosaurs.

Submitted by: giorgiss

If the tongue is the strongest muscle,
How come I can never get that bit of Wotsit out of my back tooth?

Submitted by: giorgiss

I don't understand why scientists say that the dinosaurs died because a meteor hit the earth.
Everyone knows it's because Noah couldn't fit them on the arc.

Submitted by: giorgiss

T-Rexes may have lacked intelligence but they never gave anything away.
They alway kept their cards close to their chest.

Submitted by: giorgiss

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