A Leb entered an discount appliance store in Box Hill and said to the Asian salesman, "I want to buy that TV." The Asian salesman said to him, "I don't sell to Lebs."
Angry, the Leb left, determined to buy the TV. He waited three days, grew a beard, and then entered the store again. He found a different Asian salesman and said that he wanted to buy the TV. The Asian salesman said, "We don't sell to Lebs."
Even more angry, the Leb went home, shaved, put on a dress and makeup and entered the store as a woman. He asked the Asian again, but got the same answer. Puzzled, he told the Asian salesman, "I've changed my disguise three times and gone to a different salesman. How did you know I was Lebanese?"
To which the Asian replied, "Sir, this is a microwave."

Submitted by: giorgiss