I ordered a load of bubble wrap off eBay today.
Just to see what it gets delivered in.

Submitted by: giorgiss

Sports Direct Closing Down Sale.
Fooling pikies since 2004.

Submitted by: giorgiss

Have you heard, Tesco are employing more midgets than any one else?
Every Little Helps

Submitted by: giorgiss

Tesco Self-Service Checkouts
Making shoplifting 'a mistake' since 2008.

Submitted by: giorgiss

What is the difference between Andy Carroll and a weeks worth of shopping at Waitrose?
About 40p.

Submitted by: giorgiss

A Tesco manager overheard a clerk saying to a customer, "No, ma'am, we haven't had any for quite some time now, and it doesn't look as if we'll be getting any more."
Alarmed by what was being said, the manager rushed over to the customer who was walking out the door and said, "That isn't true, ma'am. Of course, we'll have some soon. In fact, I personally placed an order for them just a couple of days ago."
Then the manager drew the clerk aside and growled, "Never, never, never, never say we don't have something. If we don't have it, say we ordered it and it's on its way. Now, what was it she asked if we had any of?"
"Poisonous spiders in the fruit department."

Submitted by: giorgiss

I went to Morocco on holiday. I visited one of the markets and bought a toilet roll holder.
Some call it extravagant, others slavery, but Mohammed loves his new job.

Submitted by: giorgiss

I find the saying 'you are what you eat' true.
My ex-missus shops at Lidl, for instance, and she's cheap, easy and you don't really want people to know you've been there.

Submitted by: giorgiss

I called the Shopping channel the other day and the girl who answered the phone asked if she could help.
I said, "No thanks, I'm just browsing."

Submitted by: giorgiss

I had a job in a supermarket once, handing out samples for people to try.
I got asked to leave though, after the "little cups of bleach" incident.

Submitted by: giorgiss

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