"Hiya there, my boyfriend has sent me in to get an oil filter for his car?"
"Ok no problem, what is it for?"
"Ermm.. its for the dirty black one just outside?"
"Ok, and what car has he got?"

Submitted by: giorgiss

Whenever I am suffering from low self esteem and think that life is not dealing me a fair hand, I like to go shopping in ASDA.
It never fails to cheer me up.

Submitted by: giorgiss

I have noticed that customer service in America is a lot better than in Europe. I think this is because American businesses uphold the fundamental belief that the customer is...
probably carrying a gun.

Submitted by: giorgiss

Harry Potter fans: you can experience the authentic thrill of wearing an invisibility cloak and being completely undetectable by simply walking into any branch of Jessops and trying to get served.

Submitted by: giorgiss

I'm in serious trouble. I got caught urinating in the shower this morning.
It seems they frown on that at B&Q.

Submitted by: giorgiss

What's really camp and hates blacks?

Submitted by: giorgiss

Every supermarket you go into now has a self-service checkout with a member of staff helping people use it.

Submitted by: giorgiss

I Just went to a shoe shop and saw they had a special offer:
Aren't all shoes sold that way?

Submitted by: giorgiss

Tesco's slogan should be 'unexpected item in bagging area'

Submitted by: giorgiss

How come every time Argos bring out a catalogue it has 5000 new items in it
Yet the catalogue never gets any bigger?

Submitted by: giorgiss

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