Just got back from the supermarket where the "JLM indestructible Floor Mops!!" were right next to the "JLM Replacement FLoor Mop Heads!!"...

Submitted by: giorgiss

i have noticed that all the cheap things in sainsburys are orange,
the eggs, the biscuits and of course the girls on the tills!!

Submitted by: giorgiss

Me: Is it in yet?
Girlfriend: No.
Me: What about now?
Girlfriend: No, uh, maybe we should try something else.
Me: One last try.
Girlfriend: No still not there.
And that good people is why you should never take your girlfriend shoe shopping

Submitted by: giorgiss

I cashed in my life savings today, just so Christmas could be extra special...
I had 42 quid on my Tesco club card.

Submitted by: giorgiss

I work in a joke shop.
Or Lidl as they insist I call it.

Submitted by: giorgiss

I like my women how i like my clothes shop dummies.

Submitted by: giorgiss

My local Tesco has got a great offer on at the moment.
It's selling a variety of different trolleys for a pound each - you just put a coin in a slot near the handle and wheel them away.

Submitted by: giorgiss

I bought a jacket from a charity shop. The only thing wrong with it was one sleeve was slightly longer than the other two!

Submitted by: giorgiss

Posh Spice spent 20,000 on a crocodile handbag. Imagine wasting so much on a leathery old accessory.
I'm sure David Beckham ends up asking himself the same question every day.

Submitted by: giorgiss

Should we really trust a review written by the sort of person who writes a review of their kettle on Amazon?

Submitted by: giorgiss

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