People look at me strange when I buy tampons at the supermarket.
"They're for the wife," I say patiently, as I pack them away.
Then I readjust my Darth Vader helmet and walk out all dignified like.

Submitted by: giorgiss

It really amuses me when people approach my car door and I pull away then stop halfway down the street, and pull away again.
I know it's childish, but it gets rather boring being a taxi driver.

Submitted by: giorgiss

I must confess, I was born at a very early age.

Submitted by: giorgiss

BBC News -
Donagh victims 'Forgotten about'
Erm... Who?

Submitted by: giorgiss

What do you get when you cross a cow with an arab?
Milk Sheikh

Submitted by: giorgiss

I don't get all these 10 year olds being teased for not having a date.
I mean, when I was their age I was shunned for not knowing how to do an arm fart.

Submitted by: giorgiss

I was going to say that the Sooties had a clean Sweep.
But I'm afraid they'll Sue.

Submitted by: giorgiss

As we drove past an elderly couple walking a Labrador earlier, my girlfriend said to me:
"Isn't it weird, ever since we have had a dog, I now always notice lots of dogs when we're out"
I said, "I know exactly what you mean, ever since I've had a girlfriend, I now notice lots of girls when we're out!"

Submitted by: giorgiss

After my dinner guests complaining my Stir Fry was a little salty, I went back to the kitchen to see where I could have gone wrong.
"ahhhh" I thought that's it as I read the recipe book,
Step 4-Toss in the pan.
They should really be more clear.

Submitted by: giorgiss

My girlfriend said that I "don't ever take anything in my life seriously".
"This is not true", I said, "but I can't prove you wrong right now, I have an important phone call to do".
"Who you gonna call?" she asked.
"Ghostbusters", I said and giggled.
We had some beautiful times together...

Submitted by: giorgiss

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